With more depressing statistics and stories emerging about the care for elderly in the UK and the reported lack of budget to look after some of this country’s most vulnerable people, it appears 2012 may well be following in the footsteps of 2011. Of course, the horror stories about care homes and services in the UK must be reported and companies and individuals dealt with accordingly, but it is how to prevent these occurrences at all that is the real issue. We believe the best way to deal with these serious issues and find a light at the end of the tunnel in the care sector, is to call in some experts and make a powerful steering group that will ensure changes are made where required and standards adhered to across the industry, whether private or public, and NHS.
Of course, with an ageing population the cost of such care is only going to rise, but we must meet the challenge. We cannot allow our elderly population, after a lifetime of service and national insurance payments into the treasury, to simply be abandoned or expect families, where often the children of the elderly they care for are retired themselves, to cope with little or no support.
With experts warning that full-time carers are at breaking point (a fact we know only too well through the families we support via our respite service) and two of Oakridge Care Group’s watch words (dignity and respect) being used repetitively, it seems that finally something is being done about it and both the government and the opposition are going to put together a white paper to find a way forward.
We would like to help, as proven experts in both caring for the elderly and running a highly successful caring business in what are trying times for the entire industry, and sit on any steering or advice committees being set up to where we can help and advice MPs. We will gladly give our time to help take caring to the level it should be in the UK and ensure all of Oakridge’s watch words for excellence in caring become as important to every care home in the country. So, please MP’s give us a call, we’re here to help.